

每週五下午6:30pm (美中時間)

Northwestern University
Tech building L361
2145 Sheridan Rd, Evanston, IL 60208

ZOOM同步直播: ZOOM ID 8375317272
(ZOOM Link: https://zoom.us/j/8375317272)  Password: 123456



西北大學信望愛團契是一個年輕的團契,由一群充滿朝氣的學生和青年人組成。我們的主要服侍對象為西北大學(Northwestern University)的學生及學者,並以傳揚主基督耶穌的福音和門徒訓練為使命。除了系統性的聖經學習,我們還設計與學生相關的求職、戀愛、海外生活主題分享,以及郊遊、野餐等戶外活動。我們願成為主耶穌基督祝福的管道,關懷學生日常生活,見證十字架恩典。

Who Are We

Faith-Hope-Love Fellowship of Northwestern University consists of vigorous students and young professionals. We serve NU students and scholars, with the mission to preach the gospel and train committed disciples. In addition to themed bible study, we organize out-door activities and student-related sharings of various kinds, including career development, love & interpersonal relationship, and oversea life. We would like to be the Lord’s channel of blessings, to love NU students genuinely and testify God’s grace.

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